Success Stories
Bella’s Recovery from CRPS with InterX Therapy
See how InterX Therapy is transforming lives for those with chronic pain conditions like CRPS. Watch Bella’s inspiring journey from unbearable pain and limited mobility to renewed hope and movement. Her story showcases the profound impact of non-invasive treatment, offering a path to recovery and a future filled with possibilities.

I no longer feel limited by my disease, and I have the InterX Therapy Center to thank for that.
I learned about InterX from my husband and decided to give it a try. As I started treatment I began to see improvement in my headaches. Within two weeks of treatment, I was able to stop all pain medication accept for the occasional aspirin.
It leaves me feeling fresh, renewed, and optimistic. More importantly, it allows me to increase the interval between my medication doses, from every three hours to every four to five hours frequently.
InterX was able to treat my surgical site with six sessions over roughly two weeks of time.
In December 2009 I started InterX Therapy. After several treatments, there was marked improvement, and I’ve continued to improve with additional treatments and home treatments. My pain currently is completely under control.
Rick M.
Prior to InterX Therapy, I wasn’t able to drive my car without tilting my head forward to look over my glasses nor was I able to ride my bike, play racquetball, or participate in other activities. After treatment, I no longer have any limitations or require pain medication.
Penny D.
InterX is the only treatment that has helped me get relief from this long term problem. In addition, I believe it has helped me with other chronic issues such as sinus, migraines, and acute injuries.
I started with treatment three times per week and gradually reduced the treatments as the pain reduced. I received a home unit and began treating myself at home. Today, I experience only infrequent pain which is eliminated by self-application of the home unit.
Ann B.
It was a joy finding you all. After my knee replacement surgery, your InterX helped as I came to you for therapy for pain and trying to work on range of movement. After the time with you, I had fuller range of movement, and less pain
I Can Bend, Jump, and Live Again—Pain-Free! | Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment
I was 16 years old when the pain began and by the time I was 18, I was physically disabled from it. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the doctors said there was no actual “cure” for it. I couldn’t bend down to play Legos on the floor with my nephew because the intensity of my knee pain was immeasurable. On top of that, I had to have my mom drive me everywhere because I couldn’t even bend my wrists or ankles without feeling a sharp knife-like pain.
I went to countless doctors and took almost every medication out there for the pain. Still, nothing seemed to cure the pain because it would just come right back. I felt so hopeless because summer was almost over and I knew that I would be going to college five hours away and wouldn’t have the support back at home to help me if I were to experience the same crippling pain. It wasn’t until I ran into a friend at Starbucks who asked me how life was and I expressed to him my condition and that I couldn’t participate in a lot of the activities my friends were in because of it. He told me that he also had fibromyalgia and that he saw Janice about it, had the InterX treatment, and felt like a new person. He told me we would have her give me a call because he knew it would help me. Well, I didn’t take it into much consideration because I was so hopeless at this point and didn’t think anything could “cure” me as the doctors said.
Well, a few days later I got a phone call from Janice explaining the treatment and how she was sure without a doubt that it would help me. I had talked to many specialists over the phone in the past, but this was by far the most memorable conversation of them all. You may ask, why? Because there was actually hope in her voice, and it made me have hope for my pain coming to an end. I went to her office and had my first treatment. Though there was no immediate result, I had hope. But it wasn’t long and after the second and third time, I was already feeling like a new person. I would actually have a full night’s worth of sleep without waking up from my pain just because I bent my wrist or ankles. I continued the treatment for two more weeks until I went back to school in Arkansas – and no joke, the pain was gone. I could bend my knees all I wanted as I played ultimate frisbee in front of my dorm! I could go cliff jumping at Devil’s Den’s Lake without experiencing excruciating pain when I hit the water. I even went crowd surfing at a school pep rally – and guess what, no pain! I was able to be a normal 19 year old girl living out her college experience to the full thanks to Inter-X and Janice!
A year ago today, I remember crying in my room because even the physical activity of bathing was so painful – now I sit in my room completely pain-free and am about to go hiking with my nephew! Although my flare-ups of pain will come up every now and then, I luckily have the InterX device with me at all times and it immediately takes away the pain by the next day and I am able to continue on living a normal, pain free life. This is definitely an answered prayer and I am thankful beyond belief that God placed Janice in my life to make my life normal again.
I Got My Life Back After Years of Pain—Thanks to InterX | Scleroderma Treatment
I came to the Interx Therapy Center hoping to relieve the pain from every joint in my body. I had been diagnosed with systemic scleroderma in 2007. Previous to being diagnosed, I had been in a great deal of pain for eighteen months and had been to seven different doctors hoping someone had an answer to why I was losing the ability to walk and take care of myself and why my whole body was in pain 24/7. My skin was so tight it hurt for someone to touch me, and I lost the ability to even open a water bottle or pick up a gallon of milk. When I got the diagnosis, I had a choice to make.
I was very tired. There was never any relief from the pain. And I hated my family watching me slowly dying. I asked God to either take me home quickly or show me what to do to heal my body. Since there is very little success treating systemic scleroderma, I looked for any treatment that related to RA, cancer, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue. I have tried everything out there, traveled to four different states and spent hundreds of hours researching and studying. In those two years, I tried many things that did not work, and Praise the Lord, I found the combination of treatments that did work. I was able to get my organs out of danger and believed I would not die in the expected three to five years. I was elated and thankful to be alive – but I still had some remaining joint pain. It was not as severe as it had been the previous three years, but I really wanted to remember what it felt like to be a normal person and be pain free.
A God-ordained appointment put me in contact with Janice Walker and I knew I had found the missing piece to my healing. I had tried chiropractics, massage therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, Bowen therapy, and was just getting ready to embark on acupuncture when I was introduced to Janice. All of these treatments gave me a little relief for a very short period of time, but nothing lasted.
The InterX treatment seemed to make so much sense using the homeostatic points on the body as treatment areas and allowing the body to heal itself through stimulation of the InterX. It was like all those treatments rolled into one. And no side effects! Yeah! In less than two months I was on a plane from Ohio to Dallas for my final attempt to be pain-free. When I arrived the love and care I felt was humbling, to say the least. I was treated for the recommended ten days and during that time I showed a little improvement every day. What was amazing was how day-by-day I continued to get better and better until about forty-five days after I got back from Dallas, I announced I was in full remission! No constant pain anymore! Yes, little pains will come and go just like the weather, but I have my life back and it’s good to be alive! God has been so good to me and I thank Him for bringing Janice and Annette into my life. They are His ministering angels on earth.
I am writing this 2 1/2 years after being treated in Dallas and I am here to say the treatment works and I am still doing great. I am glad to talk with anyone to help answer questions from the patient’s point of view.
A Pain-Free Life After Years of Struggle | Phantom Pain Treatment
David worked for an electric company doing nondestructive testing on machines and sensors for industrial applications requiring surface and sub-surface crack detection and metal sorting using such tests as ultrasonic, magnetic-particle, liquid penetrate, radiographic, remote visual inspection (RVI) and eddy-current testing to meet the critical requirements for quality, productivity and safety.
After multiple injuries and surgeries on his left knee he was forced to take early disability. He loved his job and working with his co-workers in the field. His work was like therapy for his pain, which didn’t take it away, but gave him something to distract his mind from it so much.
David’s medical history includes many surgeries:
- Back Surgery – no infection
- Two meniscus tear surgeries on left knee – no infection
- 2000 Shoulder surgery for torn rotator cuff – no infection
- 2000 Gallbladder Surgery – no infection
- 2006 Renal Cell Carcinoma, Remove part of kidney – no infection
- Three total knee replacements on left knee – infections
- Ten surgical revisions including muscle flap surgery on left knee – infections
- Thirty hyperbaric oxygen treatments for attempted healing of muscle flap surgery
- 2012 Hip Replacement – no infection
InterX Therapy has been the most incredible miracle in my life. After three total knee replacements and twelve surgical procedures on the same knee, I continued to have a staph infection from the first surgery. My leg was loose around the prosthesis, it was constantly swollen, hot to touch, red and painful. I returned repeatedly to my surgeon and would either be scheduled for another surgery, physical therapy, or told nothing was wrong. I went to new doctor, an oncologist, and he ran a nuclear scan on my leg and told me the infection was so bad I was going to have to make a decision to “lose a limb” or “lose my life.” He consulted with my surgeon and infectious disease doctor and they told him the leg was not infected. In 2009, I went to the Mayo clinic and they confirmed my oncology doctor’s findings. The MRSA and pseudomonas was so bad in my body it was close to going septic, spreading all through my body, killing my organs. I consented to an above the knee amputation. After the amputation my body started to heal and I was feeling better, but I developed phantom pain which was worse than the pain I had before the amputation; but I was alive and my body was healing. The additional pain was almost unbearable. I started taking hydrocodone 10/325 every six hours, 2400 MG of Neurontin a day, 60 MG of Cymbalta for the pain and emotional stress and wearing a 75 mcg Fentanyl Transdermal Patch. Aside from the pain, I was doing well with my artificial leg but having some balance problems. In 2012, I lost my balance and fell, breaking my hip on the same side as my amputation. I now have the phantom pain, hip pain, back pain (from a previous surgery), severe rheumatoid arthritis pain along with stomach problems from all the medications. I prayed continually for strength, endurance, peace of mind, and emotional endurance. Then God answered my prayers and gave me an incredible miracle.
My wife works for orthopedic surgeons and often visits with the drug representatives that come to the office. She met the representatives with the InterX Neuro Resource Group and they suggested I get an appointment with the InterX Therapists in Dallas, Texas. She called the InterX office in Dallas the following Monday and due to a cancellation on their schedule I was set up for therapy on Tuesday. I was very skeptical; I’ve had a lot of promises over the years that things will get better, but my “bumps in the road” have been numerous and seem to keep coming. They say if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I am here to testify it is not too good to be true! It really works! My InterX Therapists, Janice Walker, OTR and Annette Murray, PT have proved the InterX Therapy really works. They explain everything while they are doing the therapy and how it works. It is truly amazing. After just 3 weeks of therapy I have been pain free for up to two days at a time from hip pain, back pain, phantom pain, stomach problems, headaches and pain from my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have weaned off the Cymbalta and I have been able to cut down on my pain medication. My thinking is clearer and I don’t have that “foggy” feeling all the time. The discoloration in the lower part of my leg is returning to its normal color. When you can see the difference and not just feel it then you know it is real. I am looking forward to more pain free days and the hope of getting off my medications. I thank God for giving me a Miracle!
From a Wheelchair to the Pool: My Path to Healing Through InterX
My diagnosis was Myelitus, West Nile Virus, with a full recovery possible taking a year or longer. Prior to this, I exercised daily with 30 minutes of calisthenics, 1 hour of biking every other day, water skiing twice a week and two sessions of pick up hockey a week. I was 20 pounds overweight but was in great physical shape.
On August 3, 2012, I woke up with a paralyzed left leg. I did not realize what had happened and collapsed in the parking lot. I was taken by ambulance to Baylor Hospital in Grapevine where I was diagnosed with a fever of 102.8, told to take medication, and released. I never had the chance to see a doctor; however, a nurse was available. At my wife’s continued insistence a West Nile virus test was taken and sent off to a lab. I continued to dehydrate at home and two days later my wife took me to HEB Hospital. Three different doctors were immediately concerned and insisted on checking me in. Monday, Baylor Hospital gave me the results of the West Nile test, it was positive. HEB Hospital confirmed the results with an MRI and a spinal tap. All of the HEB staff, including doctors and nurses were excellent. Once week later, I was released home. A few days after that, because of my paralysis (left leg), I developed a blood clot in my lower left leg. Another hospital visit resulted in the necessity of blood thinners and I was released home a few days later in a wheel chair, and about forty pounds thinner.
I spent September at outpatient rehabilitation. Sometime ago, I remembered hearing of muscle atrophy, now I was experiencing it firsthand. I worked very hard with 3 visits a week and practicing all that they said twice a day. Some exercises I was unable to do but was assisted by my wife and sons to continually exercise my left leg with stretches, lifts, and side motions. I made progress with my muscle atrophy on my right leg, but very little improvement on my left leg. Laying on my back, I could not lift my knee up at all. I still needed a wheelchair indoors for distances over two rooms, but was insisting on using the walker as much as possible, when I needed the restroom I gave 30 minute ETAs. My employer’s nurse suggested trying InterX Therapy. I had no previous medical experiences and was desperate. I visited their website and was encouraged. I was contacted by Janice and briefed on InterX Therapy. She said she could help me.
I remember October 2nd because it was such a struggle to use the walker from the handicap parking into the building, up the elevator and down the short hallway. My wife went ahead when I stopped to use the restroom. Due to my instability, I was offered assistance at the water fountain. InterX Therapy was twice a week and in the second week my left leg’s range of motion had doubled. In less than two weeks, I had progressed further than the previous month. I was still doing leg exercises along with riding an exercise bike daily. After two weeks of convincing me of “pool therapy,” my friend John took me to the pool, where I could be lowered in by lift, sporting my life jacket. I quickly realized he was right and began “pool walking.” In mid-October, using the walker became considerably easier. On October 12th, I swam in the pool, it was great progress. We all worked very hard daily for October and November looking forward to my December meeting with the neurologist. Janice is a very positive and encouraging therapist. I was regaining muscle use and my nerves were regenerating themselves due to exercise, but mostly therapy. On November 16th, I started using a cane indoors. I was very shaky and did fall at times. On a late November visit from a rehab nurse, I was told that of their five neuroinvasive cases I was the only one who was mobile. I credit this to Janice at InterX. I would have recovered from determination, but not nearly so quickly.
During the first week of December, I tried to use my cane outdoors but needed to ask others for assistance because of strong winds. I still had a balance issue. Just before Christmas, on December 22, 2012, I was able to use my cane outdoors and travel a mighty distance of three houses, three times a day. My December appointment with the neurologist that I had been looking forward to, happened to be another disappointment when he said a full recovery could take over a year.
In December, my wife had developed radial nerve palsy in her right hand. I insisted on her visiting Janice at InterX using my appointments for quicker treatment. I started visiting with Annette at InterX so we could both get therapy on the same times and days because of the over one hour commute. I cannot overemphasize the valuable therapy from Annette. Not only did she continue InterX Therapy, but her experience helped me with different muscle exercises and suggestions.
In January, I joined the YMCA to expand my workout. I can dive into the pool to start my swim, (the first was a belly flop, but it felt great). I continued to receive therapy from InterX. On March 17th, I started walking in the house. April 4th, I started walking outside, (I have a limp but am working on that). Happiness is recovery, dancing is next. Outdoor biking, waterskiing, and hockey are a ways off.
If you need help, I know people who can help, they are Janice and Annette. They are gifted therapists and offer years of experience with a superior type of therapy—InterX.
Finally Sitting Without Pain: My Journey to Recovery
As a Registered Nurse working for a major insurance company, I have spent the last 10 years either sitting in a chair all day at a computer or flying across the country to deliver training to other nurses who will interact with consumers telephonically. Travelling and meeting new people was my favorite part of the job. But all of that came to an end in the first week of August 2012. I had had intermittent back spasms from prolonged sitting, but a week-long virtual seminar almost brought my professional and personal life to an abrupt end. I called my boss on the Monday after the seminar and told her she needed to train someone else to do what I did as quickly as possible, because I was in so much pain, I thought I would have to go out on medical leave or disability.
Because I had been training nurses on how to coach consumers who were experiencing recurring back pain or making a decision about whether to consider back surgery, I thought I knew just what to do. While continuing to travel 50% of the time or more, I undertook six months of chiropractic treatment supplemented by massage therapy. Despite cold laser, ultrasound, heat and adjustments, the pain in my sacrum and coccyx kept returning within two days of treatment. I was successfully coping with the pain by wearing a TENS unit all day and all night, but I developed an allergic reaction to the adhesive on the electrodes.
At that point, I visited my primary care physician and requested a referral to a back clinic and prescriptions for pain, including 5 mg of hydrocodone and 100 to 200 mg of Lyrica. Fibromyalgia was under consideration as a diagnosis, so I had a complete neurological workup, including a nerve conduction velocity test that ruled out diabetic neuropathy or any neurological disease. I asked for an orthopedist who worked with patients requesting conservative therapy, and got an MRI and a prescription for 7.5mg of Mobic.
When I visited the back clinic, I was unable to sit on any surface, no matter how soft. To avoid 8/10 pain in the sacral area, I either had to be lying down on a therapy table or standing up. The MRI results revealed no disc compression or significant pathology. It found a rotated sacrum and Tarlov cysts located on the sacrum. PT was focused on building core strength and attempting to rotate the sacrum to relieve muscular tetany in the left IT band. At that point, my activity limitations were no sitting for more than 10 minutes, no squatting, kneeling, stairs or crawling; no lifting of more than 10 pounds. Because this effectively meant I could not do my job, I moved from the training delivery job to a curriculum development position.
Physical therapy and Mobic relieved about 50 to 60% of my pain, but I was still having frequent episodes of recurring pain that none of the medication could manage. Near the end of the last month of therapy, I found myself on a therapy table next to one of the miracles created by InterX therapy. She told me her story about CRPS and how InterX recreated her ability to walk, relieved her of pseudo-seizures and made her fully functional again. I decided then and there to buy a machine or sign up for therapy, no matter what it took.
Having finally found the InterX Therapy Center, I discovered it was the only clinic in the US with multiple InterX devices for treatment all over the body simultaneously. As I had been told, for the first 10 visits, my problems were actually getting worse. At one point, I told my husband that I didn’t know how much “worse” I could handle before it started getting better. But within a week or two, I was seeing increasing flexibility, fewer episodes of increased pain, increased ability to fall asleep and stay asleep and relief from my Irritable Bowel Syndrome. At that point, I was in for the duration and bought my own device.
During November and December of 2013, I found myself doing things I hadn’t been able to do for years. Weeding flower gardens actually loosened the tetany in my left hip; pain episodes were rarely more than 4/10, I could sit for more than 10 minutes. Some days I could get my left leg lifted and turned so that I could see the bottom of that foot.
December was a revelation. I could sit on a hard wooden bench for an hour without any pain. I could sit in my softer office chair pretty much all day. I could fall asleep with ease anytime and anywhere. Just before Christmas, I caught myself skipping, doing Samba moves across the kitchen floor, and finally, after nearly two years, I could actually cross my left leg over my right leg into a lady-like position. The worst pain, usually brought about by a cold front moving in, created only 2/10 pain in my knees, one ankle and the sacrum. During this time period, I was able to discontinue the Mobic, the Hydrocodone and the Desipramine for my IBS.
In November, I took a pleasure trip by air and discovered that I could travel again, but not as much as 50%. Lifting heavy bags and twisting to put them in a car trunk seemed to provoke the worst discomfort, but treating with the InterX unit helped to return me to a pain free state. Once the big climate shifts settle down near the end of February, I will be attempting to wean myself off the Lyrica and plan to be taking no drugs for pain at all.
Being a clinician, I have never placed a lot of credence in “Woo Woo” technologies that did not have substantial clinical evidence that they were efficacious in the majority of cases. Having been through the InterX program, I stand corrected. InterX therapy has changed my life so that I can attend movies or go out to eat without carrying a bulky memory foam pillow to sit on.
This is a non-invasive, highly effective treatment for pain that also solves problems with function and with organs. It is my belief that the only thing that pulled me back from having to go out on disability is the 24 InterX treatments twice a week. As good as I feel, I will probably seek additional touch-up treatments to maintain my best function and pain level. Thank you, Janice and Annette, for giving my life back!
Breaking Free from Sleepless Nights
In early September of 2012, I started developing sharp stabbing pain in my upper shoulder and my right arm. By late September, I was only sleeping an average of 90 minutes a night due to the continual pain.
I tried ibuprofen, deep tissue massage, and chiropractic care. Nothing worked.
In February 2013, I traveled on business to the UK for eleven days. The pain was at level 9-10.
On the first day in the UK, my business colleague saw me wince and asked what was wrong. I told her. She told me about her experience with InterX and how it had helped her decades long issue with debilitating lower back pain.
She kindly gave me an InterX treatment with her home device and loaned me her device for those 11 days. I used her InterX device every evening in the hotel room and by the end of my trip I was sleeping 5-6 hours a night. The pain had decreased substantially.
I returned to Dallas and started treatments with Janice Walker and several treatments later my pain was at a level 2-3. A few months later, I am completely pain free and I sleep 8-9 hours a night.
I owe more than I can say to Janice, Annette, and the entire InterX team.
Please consider calling the clinic. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Finding Hope After Femoral Nerve Damage: My InterX Therapy Experience
InterX therapy has definitely changed my life. Their treatments and therapy have provided me with as close to a normal life as I can expect. I now visit the center a couple of times a year and have purchased a home unit to treat myself between visits.
In 2008 during a medical procedure, I sustained permanent damage to my femoral nerve.
At first, the damage resulted in what I would describe to be an inconvenience but within a short time I was in at times unbearable pain. The weakness in my leg resulted in me being hardly able to walk and to go any distance I required in a wheel chair.
Over two to three years I saw many doctors too numerous to list, from neurologists, pain management, orthopedics with no significant improvement other than taking pain pills to relieve the discomfort. Finally, a doctor friend who was treating some professional athletes with an InterX machine suggested that I try the InterX therapy. Graciously, he lent us his machine. Within days I could see measurable improvement without using the machine as it would be prescribed at the center.
Once I went to the therapy center in Dallas I was amazed at the results. At first, I was very cautious as I had been disappointed before with other treatments I had tried. I realized, however, after following the suggested treatment regime from the center that the results were unbelievably significant. With time, I had significant relief which allowed me to lead a fairly normal life. While the damage in my leg is permanent, InterX therapy has done wonders for me.
Janice, Annette, and Julie, there are no words for the support, concern, and caring. The whole team is amazing. It has truly been a blessing beyond words.
Have you been diagnosed with or fear you may suffer from femoral nerve damage? Visit us at the InterX Therapy Center. Relief may be closer than you think.
Restoring Balance and Mobility | Neuropathic Pain Treatment
At the age of 55, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Colon Cancer. My successful surgery was followed by 12 sessions of adjunctive chemotherapy (Folfox). While the chemotherapy was less brutal than some, it still came with its side effects, leaving me with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in my hands and feet.
My hands became intolerant to the cold, hypersensitive finger tips and loss of fine motor skills. The symptoms in my feet included numb toes, hypersensitive soles, intolerance to cold, partial loss of balance, minimal flexibility and edema.
My employer’s medical department recommended InterX Therapy Center. I did 14 treatments in a 4-week period and the swelling (edema) was completely eliminated. The other symptoms I experienced in my feet would lessen for a few minutes to hours but then return. My hands responded slowly but eventually returned to 100% normal within 5 months of my initial session.
I returned to InterX one year later with the previous symptoms in my feet. After the 4th day of treatment, I had a break through day with the feeling returning to my toes. I completed another 12 treatments of therapy and had restoration of my flexibility and a normal sense of balance. The remaining symptoms slowly abated but my feet are now 90% normal. I have been released to work after being on medical leave for approximately 2 years.
I was told by my neurologist that, “these things take time and there is nothing you can do about it.”
I cannot say enough accolades regarding this non-invasive, drug-free treatment. Janice and Annette, the therapists at InterX, are dedicated professionals who make a difference.
After 40 Years, I Finally Found Relief with InterX Therapy
My injuries date back to 1968 from two accidents in construction work. I had nerve damage in my right foot and upper back. The foot injury generated continuing pain that I was generally desensitized to but sometimes elevated to be severe pain. My back injury limits certain activities but in both cases, nothing was observable to friends or family.
In September of 2009, I tripped and fell twisting my body. I did not have any scrapes or bruises but this fall aggravated my past injuries with the following symptoms:
- Sharp severe sciatic nerve pain in my hip; the origin was a myelogram associated with my back injury.
- Sharp severe nerve pain in the right knee, calf and foot.
- I could not tolerate walking any more than 50 ft. or stand more than 5 minutes; the pain was severe and I had no stamina.
- Pain even continued with inactivity; there was constant discomfort.
- Frequent episodes of extreme nausea.
- General sense of nervousness that elevated when I was stressed.
After approximately 10 InterX therapy sessions I began to improve. The sessions continued along and along with home use of the InterX device, I was close to normal after 15 or 16 therapy sessions. The only medication I took during the recovery was Tylenol. I am now in very good condition and continue to use the InterX device at home on a regular as needed basis. I know that Janice’s therapy treatments are the reason for my recovery.
Lifting Without Pain, Sleeping Without Struggle | Wrist Pain Treatment
I recently completed several months of InterX sessions with Janice and Annette. My primary care doctor referred me for moderate to severe pain in my left hand and thumb which had been bothering me for many months.
I did notice some improvement with the first session.
In addition to the wrist-area pain, I also was having low back pain. Both conditions greatly limited my ability to lift and carry objects therefore limiting my daily activities which affected my mood. Additionally, my sleep was adversely affected; I was already experiencing long-term sleep irregularities prior to the wrist and thumb pain. The InterX sessions over time did improve my sleep routine and increased my quality of rest while gradually decreasing two prescription sleep aids.
Overall, InterX Therapy was a positive experience for me. I purchased a home unit which I use at least two to three times a week. The atmosphere at the Dallas clinic is more positive and encouraging than most clinics where I’ve sought help in the past.
“Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)
A Second Chance to Stand Tall: How InterX Therapy Helped Linsey Walk Again
Linsey Heidelberg was enjoying her teenage years and looking forward to her first step of independence, turning 16 years old. In addition to being a vibrant leader and National Honor Society member, Linsey loved gymnastics and was a three-time All-American cheerleader.
In August 2004, Linsey suffered a knee injury. After two months of physical therapy, she returned to cheerleading. One week after returning to the squad, Linsey suffered a fractured vertebra (L4 Pars Defect) performing a stunt at practice. This serious injury resulted in a back brace and later surgically implanted wires and screws to stabilize her back. Although Linsey had begun to recover from these two accidents, increasing pain in her leg and back caused her condition to deteriorate until she began to suffer seizures, sometimes lasting up to six hours, due to the intense pain.
In May 2005, Linsey was finally diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), an incurable chronic neurological syndrome affecting millions worldwide. CRPS/RSD is characterized by severe pain, swelling, marked skin color and temperature changes, excessive sweating, movement disorders and extreme sensitivity to touch. For the next six months, this condition controlled Linsey’s life.
Previous Therapies
Linsey relied on a number of medications often simultaneously, including steroids and sympathetic nerve blocks. “Nothing took the pain away,” Linsey said. She attempted biofeedback and aquatic therapy with little relief and any kind of weight-bearing physical therapy was impossible because of the pain.
She was always in terrible pain. Standing would cause her leg to turn a deep purple in color from the knee down and her foot was completely numb. Even walking using crutches meant dragging her limp foot behind her. The constant threat of seizure brought on by intense pain confined Linsey to a wheelchair.
Despite a total of 15 seizures, Linsey tried to continue with her education until August 2005, when she was officially forced to withdraw from school. The only option left to combat the pain seemed to be to implant a spinal cord stimulator in her back, which was scheduled for the end of September 2005.
Treatment and Results
Linsey’s spine specialist had heard of the InterX and suggested she try this therapy. “I was immediately amazed by the sensations I could feel in my foot,” Linsey said, after her first treatment in September 2005. After nine treatments, she was able to bear weight on her injured leg with the help of crutches.
After 14 treatments, Linsey was off of all medications and walking without crutches or a knee brace. Her range of motion has been completely restored and she is now able to have weight-bearing physical therapy to strengthen her muscles. She is back at school and is returning to normal social activities. Her scheduled spinal surgery was cancelled, and Linsey has not had a single seizure since the day of her first InterX treatment.
Though there is no recognized cure for CRPS/RSD, Linsey keeps her pain at a manageable level by self-treating one to three days per week. Linsey plans to volunteer with the physical therapists at the hospital where she was treated, and eventually become a physical therapist for children and treat with the InterX. “InterX therapy gave me back the most important things in my life,” Linsey said. “In fact, it gave me my life back.”
Recovering Mobility and Energy with InterX Therapy
InterX Therapy has been a blessing to me. I had surgery on my right elbow to repair ligaments and transpose nerves after an injury. I took Occupational Therapy to strengthen and regain use of my fingers and arm. After therapy, I continued to have pain and feel discomfort waking me up in the night. I had heard about InterX Therapy Center and had relatives who had praised not only the therapy they received, but also the therapists themselves, who were a large part of the success they felt after going through treatment. It took only a few weeks of treatment and the pain diminished in my elbow and I was no longer waking up in the night with pain.
My right knee has also troubled me for years. I fell skiing and twisted my knee and my knee had become sore and weak, so from that point I had to wear a knee brace for strength and protection during times of physically challenging activities. The pain was not constant, but flair-up incidents would occur. I would try icing down the knee, putting a pillow under the knee to relieve the pain, I took Aleve, Tylenol, etc. I tried to sleep on the couch with my knee raised when the pain was too severe at night. I lost some range of motion and it was difficult to raise my knee because of pain, it was painful when I knelt down or brought my knee up to my chest. The pain in my knee is now gone becuase of the InterX Therapy I received.
I am using my home device to control my restless leg syndrome and no longer have to get up to take medication to help me relax and sleep.
InterX Therapy with Janice has relieved my pain and I am grateful to their office for the excellent care they provide to their patients. I had lost energy, motivation and felt sluggish, most days needing 1-2 hours of rest in the afternoon. I am a renewed person and have regained my energy. With the suggestions Janice gave me for my diet, I have been relieved of dietary issues I was also suffering from. Anyone who has any issues they are struggling with should consider treatment at InterX Therapy Center.
Healing What Was Once 'Incurable' | CRPS Physical Therapy
My journey began with a simple ligament injury in one foot which ended up progressing into unexplainable neuropathic pain in both feet. It was difficult to be on my feet for any length of time, walking or standing. It took two years to get a useful diagnosis after having gone to many orthopedic specialists, podiatrists, physical therapists, other types of doctors (rheumatologist, endocrinologist, etc.), and various alternative medicine practitioners (chiropractors, etc.). A neurologist finally gave me a tentative diagnosis of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. The disorder is typically known as being incurable and degenerative. The treatments that are recommended are not curative but only temporarily helpful if they are even helpful at all. I was unwilling to try the nerve drugs, opioids, nerve blocks, or other invasive procedures because I didn’t want to do anything that would or could cause other problems in my body just for possible temporary relief. So, I finally had a diagnosis but I didn’t know what to do about it or whether to have hope that it would ever get any better.
I was fortunate that the neurologist knew about the InterX Therapy Center and recommended I try it. I have now been using InterX therapy for over a year. It has been the only thing that has made a difference in my pain level. From the very first appointment, Janice gave me hope that healing is possible. Through my experience over the past year, I’ve seen that her hope was not a false hope. It has been backed up with visible and undeniable progress. I am still doing the therapy because my body has not completely healed yet. In my particular situation, my healing has been a slower process because of pre-existing digestive issues and having been through previous thyroid cancer and treatment. I am so glad that I committed to and stuck with this therapy because my pain level has slowly but surely been reduced over the past year. I have progressed from barely getting around due to intense pain in both feet to being able to be on my feet more with much less pain. My mood and outlook have been positively affected as well. Having hope that healing is possible is so important. Janice and Annette are forward thinking and innovative in their approach to health problems of all kinds. They are knowledgable about traditional Western medicine as well as the more holistic Eastern way of looking at the body. They are also very empathetic and sensitive to the particular problems of people who have been dealing with chronic pain.
I wish that everyone experiencing pain had access to the kind of therapy that Janice does, merging acupressure points with electrical stimulation. I feel blessed to have found InterX and will use it to maintain my good health long after my feet have completely healed.
Playing Soccer Again: Hailey’s Comeback Story | CRPS/RSD Treatment
My daughter, Hailey, has RSD/CRPS. She was diagnosed after removing a screw in her ankle from a fall while rock climbing. The screw was to stay in her ankle for a full year. After 7 months, it was unbearable for Hailey to keep it in. At this time the surgeons thought it was because the screw may have been rubbing against her bone every time her ankle moved. The decision was made to remove it.
When Hailey came home from her surgery that removed the screw, her ankle swelled larger then a grapefruit, the top of her foot and ankle had discoloring, and lesions formed. We chalked up the swelling from the surgery, the discoloration we thought were just bruising, but the lesions confused us. They looked like a scar from deep cuts. For three straight days, Hailey did not sleep because the pain was so severe. We were told that removing appliances is a lot more painful then placing them. The pain medication did not even come close to taking the pain away.
When she went in for a follow up appointment, everything looked good as to where the screw was concerned. The surgeon thought the discoloring was bruising, and the lesions can be caused from the swelling she incurred. She was released to play sports as soon as she felt she could.
A couple weeks after her follow up appointment, she started to have painful tingling in her ankle and on top of her foot. We thought that maybe when the screw was removed, a nerve may have been touched and may have needed more time to heal. Hailey continued to play soccer during this time.
The painful tingling continued and was getting worse each day. We returned to the surgeon’s office to have this checked. At that time, we were told Hailey had RSD. Up until that moment we had never heard of RSD. After he explained what it was, we knew we had a long road ahead of us.
Because RSD takes away mobility in the muscles, Hailey started physical therapy that week for a full month, three times a week. As the weeks went by, the pain and tingling were getting worse. Now sharp pains were starting, too.
The decision was made to switch to aqua therapy so she wouldn’t have to bare her body weight while doing the exercises. She did this for a few weeks. It helped keep her muscles mobile. That is it.
Back to the surgeons office we went again. This time Hailey was referred to a pain specialist and, of course, was given prescriptions for the pain. Which, since RSD patients can’t absorb medications, did not help with the pain she was having, but would knock her out cold for a bit.
By this time, Hailey was losing her functions. We homeschooled Hailey and had to stop doing school work half way through the year. She didn’t sleep any longer and if she was able to fall asleep, she would wake up from the pain. When we looked at her eyes, they were glazed over. At this time her pain level was 9-10 and Hailey has a very high pain threshold.
One day at the grocery store, I turned to go down the freezer aisle and Hailey stopped cold in her tracks. She told me the cold caused her pain to escalate.
She was to the point that she couldn’t wear socks or shoes because of the pain. This is when she had to stop playing soccer.
The pain med specialist thought Hailey should try blocks that are injected into your spine, in hopes it would calm her nervous system. We were told that it can work and last for a few hours, but the next time it would be longer and longer that the blocks would give her relief and hopefully in time get her into remission.
So, we started with the blocks. She did one block a week for four weeks. The first one did nothing. The second nothing, the third worked for 30 hours and gave Hailey enough relief for her join her soccer team at a tournament and even play. But during the middle of the game, the block wore off and almost instantly the pain returned and Hailey was on the sideline again. After the fourth block, Hailey woke up numb and tingling on her left side. They thought she had a stroke. That was the last block she had.
I noticed each time Hailey went to have her blocks done, all of the other patients that had blocks, would go in and as they were coming back to the recovery room were awake and talking and leave within 30 minutes after having their blocks. Not Hailey. It took her hours to recover and wake up after each block. Each time she had blocks done was an entire day. We would get there at 10:00 am and wouldn’t leave till after 4:00 pm. RSD does that to you. Your body can’t recover from anything at a normal pace.
This is where InterX and Janice come into the picture.
After they thought Hailey had a stroke, we refused to have anymore blocks done!
Our surgeon told us about Janice and the great outcomes she has had with RSD patients and other ailments. It was worth the try. Our hope was renewed!
We made an appointment and from the minute we met Janice, we knew Hailey would be in remission. Hailey started treatments. When Hailey started, her foot and ankle were at their worst. When she walked, her foot dragged behind her. She couldn’t have any weight on it. To go up or down the stairs, she would have to use the rails as a crutch. She hardly spoke because of the pain just took everything out of her. Sleep was now a thing of the past. She was constantly cold. And of course, nobody was allowed to touch her foot and ankle. The pain to have anything touch her was unbearable. Her pain level was now a constant 9-10.
After about a month of treatments, I noticed something that isn’t a big deal to most people, but for us was a huge milestone. Hailey went down the small flight of stairs outside of the office without holding onto the railing! And from that day on, our hope and faith were renewed over and over. Patients don’t notice the little changes. They are there, though. Look closely!
Eventually, Hailey’s foot and ankle were to the point that she could tolerate treatment directly on them. Her foot stopped dragging and her walking got better. Janice, Annette, and myself would watch her walk down the hallway, not perfectly, but it was quite obvious she was on her way to remission. Amazing, considering a couple of months before that, she couldn’t walk without limping and dragging that foot!
She started doing schoolwork again. She started off slowly, but ended the year ahead!!! Although she was still cold most of the time, she was able to walk down the freezer aisle again.
Eventually, all of her function returned. From the function that was the newest to the function that was the oldest. Unfortunately, that was sleep. But, as time passed, she became a sleeper again!!
Six months after starting InterX treatment, Hailey was released and ready to take on the world again. Her pain level was a 3. She was running, eating, studying, and yes, sleeping!
She continued to treat herself at home and within 4-6 weeks after being released, was in COMPLETE remission and playing soccer!
Hailey is a very aggressive player. We have to watch her all time and pray she doesn’t get hurt. It is always in the back of our minds all that she had to endure. Since she has been in remission, she has injured herself and her RSD showed its ugly face again, but we get her in to the office and she gets a few treatments and is on her way again, in full remission. She will always have these small setbacks, but will never have to be as bad off as she was before starting InterX treatments.
Before we met Janice, Annette and Julie, we had no hope for Hailey’s recovery. We ran out of options. I thank God everyday for these three wonderful people who He sent us to.
I’m not going to lie. It can be a long process. But you can be helped here!
During Hailey’s ordeal, I always thought three things….
- Hope – I always had hope she would get into remission
- Faith – I had faith in God and that this treatment would work
- Patience – I am not a very patient person, but trust me, you have to have patience! It can feel like forever, but you will get there!! I have Hope and Faith for you!
After 8 Years of Struggle, Erin Finds Relief and Renewed Hope | CRPS Treatment
I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy at the age of 16. Before starting InterX, I was sick for over 8 years due to a previous injury to my left knee. In February of 2012 I began InterX therapy. Since this time, I no longer take Dexilant, Oxycodone, and Tramadol, and have been able to refrain from medication for 4 months. I was also prescribed Baclofen as well with a dosage of four times per week, and since my therapy has begun I am now only taking Baclofen once a week and sometimes less.
Before InterX I would constantly have stomach problems, I would get nauseated and vomit multiple times a day, and was only able to have a bowel movement about once a week. My stomach is now healing with no nausea or sicknesses, and my stomach is finally starting to feel normal.
Before InterX I was only able to sleep about 5 to 6 hours nightly, but would wake multiple times throughout the night. Now with InterX therapy I am sleeping 8 hours per night.
Before InterX the skin on my knee would appear green, purple or black, and also bumpy. Since the continual treatments, the skin changes are starting to lessen and are beginning to look normal, and the bumps have started to disappear. For the first time in over 8 years I am able to touch my knee and also wear pants.
Walking was difficult for me before InterX and I was only able to walk less than a ÂĽ of a mile. Since treatments began in February I am now able to walk Âľ to 1 mile. I am now able to work, whereas before I was in too much pain to hold a job consistently.
Since February 2012, I feel like I am beginning to regain my life back, and am now able to do things that I thought I would never be able to do again. I want lasting pain relief from my past injury, and I feel that I am gaining this through my treatments I am receiving from InterX Therapy.
For the First Time in 9 Years, My Body Feels Like It’s Permanently Healing | CRPS Treatment
My injury started as a herniated disc (L4/L5) in September 2006 at the age of 18, a month into my freshman year of college. I was on the swim team and was determined to not let my injury interfere with my athletics or academics. I never had much back pain, but my left leg/sciatic nerve, foot, and hip were constantly in pain/tingling and the initial round of drugs, rest, and core strengthening prescribed did nothing for it. I returned to swimming within a week, which was the only thing that gave me any sort of relief. I developed many biomechanical compensations and imbalances over the first year in order to keep swimming at a high level with the amount of pain I was enduring, which eventually caused its own set of pains to develop, especially in my hip and SI joint.
Over the first 4 years, I had five injections which did not seem to help and caused new symptoms. I saw two chiropractors, tried traction and many types of painkillers, saw six different physical therapists who practiced a wide range of different methods, had a nerve conduction study and EMG that showed no nerve damage (even though I couldn’t feel the needles sticking into my muscles), had three MRIs, and saw five different doctors, all of whom said my MRI didn’t look bad enough to warrant surgery. The doctors stated I should just keep doing conservative treatments (even though they weren’t working). Multiple doctors and PTs gave up on me after my first visit, and the drugs never did anything for me besides give me miserable side effects, so I didn’t continue taking them.
Besides swimming, I found some relief beginning spring 2008 from an amazing physical therapist who has been determined to help me find a solution. We worked on correcting my biomechanical problems, which successfully decreased my pain, but I struggled to maintain my progress despite 2-3 times a day PT exercises. My college swimming career was far from successful and just making it through my senior year of swimming felt like a huge accomplishment since I still had constant, miserable amounts of pain and if I skipped even a day of PT exercises, my pain would intensify even more. It felt like my muscles had to be constantly reminded how to work and my bad postural habits and associated pain would increase without daily exercises.
In January 2011, my pain inexplicably flared up to a new, indescribable level. There was intense pain of every kind constantly shooting through my entire leg, hip, and SI joint – no longer just along my sciatic nerve, my tingling intensified and spread through my whole leg, and I began to feel constantly nauseous. It took 10 months, two more ineffective injections, two more types of PT, another chiropractor, another three types of useless drugs, three more MRIs showing minimal change in my disc, another “normal” nerve conduction study and EMG and six more doctors with worsening of pain and nerve symptoms, before I finally found a surgeon willing to help.
In October 2011, I had a successful minimally invasive laminectomy. The surgery removed the tugging/irritating pain on my nerve that I previously got whenever I moved, but my tingling, nerve pains, and numbness in my leg and hip persisted. I was in grad school plus working part time and didn’t have time to focus on my recovery, but I continued my daily PT to help keep myself from getting worse. It helped, but the weird nerve symptoms still continued to progress. I continued swimming 5-6 times a week, even with the unbearable pain before surgery, which helped keep my leg mobile, but I was not able to do much else with my leg besides normal daily activities to keep it strong. Any bending, twisting, or impact would trigger a flare-up that could take days to weeks to calm down.
After graduating in December 2013, I decided to focus exclusively on recovering. By that point, I had given up on ever feeling anywhere near normal again, but I at least needed to get my pain under control and stop my downward spiral. The stress of finishing grad school had intensified my nerve pains again. I was constantly physically and mentally exhausted from dealing with the pain, regardless of how much I slept. By working closely with my PT in North Carolina and spending up to 2 hours a day doing my PT exercises, I quickly made huge strides with my biomechanical issues. I started to regain some function and feeling in my hip and leg, but most of the weird nerve pains persisted. I was still constantly exhausted, and I’d still often wake up in the middle of the night with an unbearable throbbing pain in my hip and leg.
My PT finally diagnosed me with RSD, giving her the idea of trying the InterX Device. They have some devices at their clinic, but neither she nor any of the other PTs in that clinic were trained in using it with chronic pain patients. Regardless, I almost immediately started to have my first real reversals in nerve symptoms, I started to be able to maintain my posture while decreasing time spent doing PT exercises, the SI joint pain that I had struggled with for years disappeared entirely, my flare-ups became less frequent, and I could bend my back enough to sleep on my stomach for the first time in almost 8 years!
After 2-3 months of guessing how to treat me, my PT found Janice Walker, OT, InterX Therapy Center in Dallas, Texas, who very graciously agreed to guide us from a distance. While I have never met Janice in person, she has been incredibly helpful, and my progress has soared since she began helping us in August 2014. After speaking with Janice the first time, I was completely overwhelmed with everything she told me about the treatment and the whole recovery process, but for the first time in years, I was filled with hope that I could make a full recovery.
It took another flare-up of my pain, but I finally got there and my progress has rapidly increased. I still have constant nausea, pain and tingling, and I still get minor flare-ups from some daily activities such as sitting, but both the intensity and the number of pain symptoms have decreased dramatically and things calm down much more quickly after being aggravated. I feel like I’m still continuing to make huge strides with each round of treatments, and I’m confident that I will make it to a pain-free state!
After spending a third of my life in intense pain, I’ve forgotten what a “normal” leg feels like, so it’s difficult to put into words how much progress I’ve made. I often realize after a treatment that a pain is gone that I didn’t know was there to begin with because it had been there so long. My tingling has decreased through my whole leg and foot, my leg no longer constantly has a heavy/achy/tired feeling that makes it hard to stand or walk, my hip feels stronger and more stable, my nausea is improving, I’m no longer constantly completely stressed out, overwhelmed, and exhausted, my sleep is improving and when I do wake up at night, I no longer have my horrible hip pain that makes me want to rip my leg out of its socket. I used to get an intense shooting pain in my leg and hip if I stood still for more than 30 seconds, but I can now stand for hours without that pain, and when it does flare-up, I now have the tools I need to calm things back down almost immediately. My foot doesn’t feel trapped anymore when I wear shoes. My leg is less restless, feels less dead, and feels like it’s part of my body again (except when it occasionally feels too GOOD to be mine!). I no longer get flare-ups of pain and a chill down my leg or even my entire left side whenever I get stressed, nervous, anxious, or scared. My muscles are learning how to work again and don’t heed excessive reminders throughout the day – instead of 2 hours of PT daily, I’m down to one or two 5-minute exercises daily to help me maintain my posture. I have the energy and motivation to do things that I enjoy again. My list of improvements could go on and on… even things that seem unrelated have improved – my vision seems clearer, the ringing and pressure in my ears has decreased in intensity and frequency, and I can think clearly for the first time in years.
While the process of healing has been incredible, it has not been easy. The InterX treatments are really rough on my body and I leave each session feeling completely mentally and physically drained of energy, shaky, nauseous, dizzy, lightheaded, dehydrated, mentally spacey, and/or with a throbbing headache, but I also usually leave with an indescribably amazing feeling in my leg and with the biomechanical imbalances that I have been working frustratingly hard to correct for years completely melted away. The side effects eventually fade and the relief obtained in the long run from the treatments is completely worth it. The relief still begins fading after a few weeks, but it’s starting to persist for longer, and my pain doesn’t build back up to the same level it was previously. I’m honestly shocked at the amount of progress I’ve made over the past year, especially since most of the other treatments I’ve tried have only made me worse. The InterX is not masking the pain or even just treating symptoms; it feels like my body is actually permanently healing for the first time since my original injury almost 9 years ago.
I’ve realized that the InterX is an incredibly powerful tool and I never could have made this much progress without it, but I credit my recovery to many other factors as well. Janice’s holistic approach to healing has taught me that everything is connected, so I’ve committed myself to recovering by cutting out all processed foods from my diet, learning to control and decrease stress, improving my sleep habits, continuing my daily PT, plus adding in new things like Pilates, yoga, and barre-relief from the InterX has allowed me to do activities such as these without flaring up my pain, which has increased my strength, mobility, and flexibility, which in turn has decreased my pain even more. After spending 7-8 years unable to do much with my lower body, my legs had become noticeably weaker, but I’m finally starting to feel like I have muscles again and my legs and hip feel stronger and more functional than they have in years.
I am thankful beyond words to have been connected with Janice and to have finally found what seems to be a solution to my pain. I trust Janice and the InterX completely and have realized that Janice is always right, even when things sound crazy at first. I cannot say enough good things about her, as she has selflessly helped me through so many questions and has taught me so much from 1,000 miles away – she even helped me to more quickly recover from a nasty case of poison ivy! If you are willing to put in the effort to recover, I have no doubt that Janice and treatment with the InterX can help with ANY problems!
Learn more about our online training for the InterX device.
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8:00Â AM to 5:00Â PM
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
8:00Â AM to 5:00Â PM
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
InterX Therapy CenterÂ
Office: 469-364-3420
Fax: 469-364-3421
InterX DeviceÂ
Sales:Â 972-807-2808
Customer Service: 972-665-1810Â ext. 2
Email: [email protected]
InterX Therapy Center
4601 Old Shepard Place
Building One, Suite 118
Plano, Texas 75093